Time to Thank God

Do you remember to thank God for prayers answered?  How easy it is to pray when we want him in our lives, but too soon we forget to thank Him for prayers answered and unanswered.

Today, I am getting into answered prayer.  I love to share my love for creating.  I was blessed to be able to volunteer in a shop last year about this time.  I helped in a bookstore in exchange for a place to help others.  It gave me a place to have others in to get out of their homes, and as I say, see new walls.  Some needed 15 minutes, some would come in and spend the day, it didn't matter.  We would get together to craft, laugh and yes, cry.  But it was a healthy environment for all of us. Here in Alaska the winters are long and SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is very common.  As life happens, and it surely and sorely does, in May I was no longer able to utilize that space.

I truly missed all the people that came in.  I spent most of the short spring and summer here looking for a new place.  Even decided on the name, Stamping Out SAD Creations.  I found one that I truly wanted, but didn't know how I was going to make the rent, much less the gas money to travel 50 miles daily to make this happen.  I prayed about it several times to no avail and finally gave up.  Set most of my creative tools up, in our home in hopes others would travel the 50 miles to come here.  Knowing most would not come, as some of them would stop by on daily outings to the Post Office or the grocery.

Our daughter has a job at a little shop in town.  Last week, she was telling me that two of the ladies were no longer there.  So, I let her know that I could fill in where needed.  She laughed and said that her boss had actually asked her to ask me.  Do you see God working?  I figured it up and if I am there 10 hours a week, that will make the rent.  But, is that the end?  Not at all.  I went in and talked to her boss and let her know how excited I am and my plans.  She asked if I was serious about the shop and when I wanted to open it.  I let her know, I would tomorrow, if possible.  She said, great and that she would pay my first months rent.  God is amazing!  I move in this weekend!

Remember, God answers on His time, not ours.  So, when He does answer, take time to thank Him.  He has not forgotten.  It just may not be the right time.


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