YES, my blood runs Purple!!!

I loved watching the U of K vs U of L Basketball game today.  I have lived in Alaska now for 8 years, and the game gave me a little taste of home.  Which team is actually better is not always what it is all about.  I grew up with my dad and brothers loving U of L, as my dad would say the "underdog".  But for me it was more fun to be for U of K, so that we could all argue over it.  I have stayed a Kentucky fan all these years and will admit that as a teenager alot did have to do with Kyle Massey being on the team.  Now I have grown up and moved past the days of watching all the games.  But did enjoy watching the two teams today.  Whether you are blue or red, lets face it we are all Kentuckians and you mix them together and our hearts bleed purple.  Sometimes you have to move away to see it.  When you are away from Kentucky and you meet someone from there, it is no longer it is red or blue.  It is your from Kentucky too, so happy to meet you.  Blue or Red does not come up til playoffs.  So, today, my heart beat blue.  I enjoy any touch of home, and would be glad to meet anyone with a heart flow of purple any day.  Smiles from this Alaskentukian girl.


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