
Blessings from Heaven

Do we ever experience messages from Heaven?  I believe we do, but I will let you decide.  We lost a son 14 years ago, this month, stillbirth.  We named him Logan.  One day in church, as we were holding hands with others in the congregation, I had no one to hold my left hand.  When I suddenly had my experience with our son.  He was there, I know he was, not as a child, but as a young adult.  There is more to this story.  I will save it for another day. So today, I went to the dentist.  I usually have my husband go with me.  But that was not in the cards today.  I had to have a tooth extracted and it was a quick decision to have it done today.  As I was lying there with Nitrous going, yes I know many of you will believe this was because of the Nitrous, but I assure you it was not, I asked our lost son, Logan, to come sit with me.  He did come, he held my hand.  I asked him, “ Logan, what kind of troubles and great memo...

Two years, what has changed?

Life changes constantly, seasons, family, foods even we change.  One thing stays constant, God loves us continually.  I have struggled with being known as “Shelly, you know the lady that makes cards”.  Why is that such a struggle?  I want to be known as “Shelly, a child of God”.  I have strayed from card making in order to find what God has intended for me.  What have I found?  I am a child of God.     I have a gift/talent for making cards.  That talent was given to me by God.  By pulling away I have only harmed myself and hurt my Heavenly Father by not using the gift/talent he gave me.  How did that hurt him?  I was not sharing the love, hugs and smiles through card making.  This Child is ready to move forward.

Time Flies

Where has the time gone? I have heard my whole life, "the older you get the faster time flies."  It is so true.  I still don't understand it, but it is true just the same.   I have truly  missed blogging.  I have become a stay at home mom and schooling our children.  What an adventure that has been.  I love it!  They have taught me more that I have taught them, I think.  It is, however, good to be back.  I just wanted to say, "hello."   So, "Hello, and May God help me daily in my blogging revisited.  Thank you for stopping by and I hope you come by again". Hugs and Smiles to all, Shelly

Time to Thank God

Do you remember to thank God for prayers answered?  How easy it is to pray when we want him in our lives, but too soon we forget to thank Him for prayers answered and unanswered. Today, I am getting into answered prayer.  I love to share my love for creating.  I was blessed to be able to volunteer in a shop last year about this time.  I helped in a bookstore in exchange for a place to help others.  It gave me a place to have others in to get out of their homes, and as I say, see new walls.  Some needed 15 minutes, some would come in and spend the day, it didn't matter.  We would get together to craft, laugh and yes, cry.  But it was a healthy environment for all of us. Here in Alaska the winters are long and SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is very common.  As life happens, and it surely and sorely does, in May I was no longer able to utilize that space. I truly missed all the people that came in.  I spent most of the short sp...
Can you handle new routines?  I know it is hard and can totally ruin your day.  Our new routine is meal time.  Diet has started, yes that can ruin a day all by itself. So how to handle this.  Of course, cry is always a consideration.  Let's face it, tears get nothing done.  They will make you tired, I guess that can qualify as getting something done.  But, then again, naps do not count.  Yes, we need them occasionally.  Sorry, of track, moving on. We could complain.  But who to?  Would they really listen?  Will they ever want to talk to us again?  Does it make us look strong?  Better question:  Does it accomplish the new routine any faster? The next time your routine changes, I would like for you to consider this: What would be your choice if given? Your new routine or: Walk across the desert Have a day or more without food or even consider: Die for a friend. My poin...

Caring for God's Blessings

Do you take care of His blessings? Are you able to identify His blessings? Identifing your spouse, children, extended family and friends are easy to see as blessings.  But what about your home?  This is where I tend to fall.  I know my home is a blessing, but don't tend to take care of it as I should.  I know I should find laundry as a blessing, that means I have a family.  I should find dishes as a blessing, that means we have food.  But there are so many other fun things to do, crafting, sleeping, talking to friends and of course posting on my blog. So am I on here just to degrade myself on my downfalls.  No.  I am here today to say that I have been in our home for 7 years and I finally have my kitchen in running order.  Everything has its place.  My husband now says he needs a map, so that he can help keep it this way.  Did I do this on my own.  Well, not completely.  A dear friends encouragment along with ...