WOW! It is Monday!
(Well, in the lower 48 anyway)
Have you ever looked for joy in strange places? For instance, as a carpenter, you know Jesus had to have hit is thumb or fingers on more than one occasion. So do you think, like most today, He cursed, or did He thank our Father that is was only this thumb and not his hand? Did you at least crack a smile on that one?
Now for one in our modern everyday life, have you ever gotten stuck in traffic and been madder than a hornet? Turn that around and thank God for the extra time with Him. What a better time than that to ask God for some smiles to help you through your day. Even if it is as your sitting there a bird poops on your windshield. Getting the picture. Look for a reason to smile, you will find it. Look for a reason to be upset and you will be just as sure to find that.
I pray, all that has stopped by this week, finds their life full of smiles. If you are having trouble with it, then please open the door for someone. Smile at someone you wouldn't normally give the time of day to. It may be the only smile they receive today. Afterall a smile is universal, you can pick anyone at random and they will understand.
Hugs and Smiles to everyone. Come back tomorrow to see where I found my smile today.
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